About Us

By on January 1, 2000

Bear Central is located in Chinitna Bay, Lake Clark National Park. It is the prime location for very large numbers of coastal brown bears. In spring these bears exit their mountain side wintering dens to mate and feed on the abundant early season high protein sedge grasses. It’s where mother bears come to teach their cubs to fish, clam, spar and climb trees. It’s where curious teenage bears test their strength play fighting with each other. Several decades old bear trails and scratching trees surround both cabin sites, providing unmatched photo opportunities.

All bears depend on the four distinct salmon runs in the bay throughout the summer. We prefer not to follow or otherwise harass any of these bears but instead allow them to approach and hang out at both of our cabin sites. It is not unusual for mothers to nurse their cubs on site as well as take extended naps close to the cabins. Note the many photos taken at  our cabin windows.

From Anchorage, Kenai, Soldotna, or Homer, fly private air Charter right to our beach, there you will be picked up and driven to your cabin, about a mile away from the landing site.

When it’s time to leave, we will transport you, your luggage and supplies out to the landing strip for your return trip.

This will definitely be your trip of a lifetime!